Made in the USA, Period!
Mimicking and presenting a potential food item to a predatory game fish is pretty simple. Choosing a bait that looks like a minnow, a crawfish, a crab, a frog or other prey item makes perfect sense.
Sometimes choosing a bait that has the general shape or color is good enough.
But not for our anglers. We want to entice all a predator's senses--sight, sound, taste, feel. If we can create a bait that appeals to all the senses, that should equate to more strikes and more fish in the boat.
Shapes and profiles play a large role in bait selection. Anglers choose shapes that mimic prey and colors to draw aggressive attention. For our designs we started with some of the most productive bait shapes out there and we've taken what really catches and we've retooled to make those designs even better. The subtle differences in our baits give predators a slightly unique look they haven't already seen.
All our colors are unique.
Our small batch production allows us to take popular colors and color combinations and tweak them to where they demand predators' attention.
For instance, we offer June Bug, of course, but a closer look at our color and texture formulation reveals our unique upgrade. We feel those subtle additions bring more strikes.
Sound and feel.
Fish have a lateral line where an incredible amount of information is processed. Not all the uses of this sensory organ are even known yet, but science has revealed that fish can 'feel' things in their surroundings with the lateral line. Sound waves, electricity, changes in water pressure and temperature are among the things that fish can sense externally. This is important when we consider a phenomenon called hydrodynamics or sonic signature.
Everything swimming and wiggling in the ecosystem produces a unique sound as it moves about. These low frequency sounds assist predators identifying prey. As anglers we've known this and used it to our advantage for a long time. When describing a bait's movement anglers often use terms like 'it really moves water'. Crankbaits have BBs, a chatter bait is a very successful lure, bouncing a diving plug off rocks and we even add rattles to worms. Soft plastics can use subtle features in design to create low frequency sound as well. The rings on a bait, the way claws flutter and the rhythm of a swimming bait all produce those low frequency sounds. This is an incredible component when designing a bait. Mimicking not only the profile, but the sonic signature of a prey item goes a long way to attracting predatory game fish.
The scent debate goes on and everyone has an opinion. We'll just go ahead and point out that fish of all species have nostrils and organs that capture scent. We follow the science and utilize some very specific scents to provide our anglers every edge possible. We won't claim that our baits will draw fish from miles away.
But we do believe adding specific scents to our baits will draw more strikes, and have fish hang on to a bait longer.
When a predator descends on a bait and scent is detected, the fish is more likely to pick up that bait to investigate. Investigative strikes mean more bites and more fish in the boat.
Scent and taste go hand in hand. Taste is another topic where we choose to follow the science with our design. Fish have a structure in their mouth called a basihyal, which is basically a tongue. Science indicates that fish can sense distinct tastes--sweet, sour, salt, bitter. To be honest, we're not completely sure if a fish can tell the difference between sweet tea and lemon aide. But if they can taste and we can use that as an advantage, we're darn sure going to do it.
Again, the taste of an attractant might not draw fish from across the bay, but we do follow the theory that if bait has a pleasing or interesting taste, a fish is more likely to pick it up and hold it longer. This translates into more bites and a higher hook up ratio.
In order to provide the greatest advantage for our anglers we incorporate each of the senses in our bait designs, formulation, and unique additives. Our baits are designed with specific shapes that emit a sonic signature similar to that of natural prey. We offer colors that are of our own formulation and are slightly unique in the industry. We formulate within the baits themselves scent and taste additives that will increase bites and increase hook up ratios because fish will be more likely to pick up the bait, and more likely to hold on.
Our plastics formulas are unique in the industry. Because of our Small Batch technique of creating baits, we are able to utilizes a system of plastics that creates specific results for each bait design.
Floating or sinking
The foundation of the system is formulating a plastic that will either float high in the water, one that will sink at an even rate or a formula that produces a sink rate somewhere in between. Because the base material formula has the ability to float or sink, we aren't forced to include unnecessary additives to the baits. Less additives simply means a better quality bait overall. You'll see the formulation for floating, sinking or moderate listed in the specifications of each bait.
Depending on the expected use of a particular bait, we have the ability to utilize a material that provides a variety of toughness. From the softest flick-shake formula to the toughest redfish-ready formula, each toughness has a specific use.
Our toughness scale goes from 1 to 5, with 1 being the most pliable and 5 being the toughest.
The tougher a formulation is, the less damage is done to the lure by fish during the strike, or by toothy fish, or during re-rigging. But a very tough bait will likely have less action. It's a give and take.
An extremely pliable (or soft) formula will allow the bait to have extraordinary action but will not have the life span of a tougher bait.
We've developed formulas that provide the very best action while taking into account the toughness needed to keep on catching.
A trick worm will likely draw more strikes with a more pliable formula of a 1 or 2. A frog bait has less need for subtle action but sees a lot of potential damage so a toughness of 4 or 5 is a better choice. Within that scale we've developed great formulas that produce the best action while still being as tough as possible.